
latest online publication

I'm on break from publishing literary fiction to develop other skills (like this website).

what i write

I write and publish literary fiction with a focus on race, gender, and complex relationships between characters. I dabble in hypertext literature and hope to get more projects in that realm off the ground soon. I write bad poetry. I write fragments no one will ever read. I write online fanfiction and weird experimental avant garde prose pieces. I write blog posts and lots of text messages. Most of all I write to-do lists.

  • Short Story: The Art of Loving

  • Book Reviews

  • coming soon

  • ----> Webpage: Shrines (various)

  • ----> Essay: The Retroweb and post-Postmodernism

  • ----> Short Story: Luna

  • ----> Essay: Why Does Hannibal Lecter Have To Be There?

  • ----> Webpage: Photography